Our Mission & Objective

Trillium Village is a Christian seniors' community operated by the Strathroy & District Christian Retirement Association (SDCRA), a private, non-profit, registered charitable organization offering Christian-based seniors' housing. The Association is managed by the Board of Directors, responsible for the governance of Trillium Village. Our tenants come from diverse and interdenominational backgrounds.

Our Mission

“Recognizing that the exercise of Christian mercy is a communal responsibility, the Corporation believes that it is also a communal responsibility to care for senior citizens by providing senior citizens facilities for their use and benefit.”
From the SDCRA Constitution

Trillium’s Goals & Objectives:

“To provide a unique, Christian community of seniors where an atmosphere of mutual support, encouragement and motivation permeates all facets of life.”

“To provide comfortable, well-maintained living accommodations and contribute to a stimulating living environment; taking into account the spiritual, physical and social needs of our tenants.”

“To encourage tenants to live and function independently, as long as possible, as an integral part within Trillium Village and the larger community.”

From the SDCRA Constitution

Find us.

400 Dominion Street, Strathroy ON N7G 3G8

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